It’s just light refracting through the clouds JESUS MAN

If I see another post on the book of faces on how “the Rainbow is a promise from God, and it should not be used to show pride for sexual identity.” I’ll freaking explode.

Let’s talk about this for a second. The God Forsaken rainbow is light refracting through the clouds. It isn’t a promise. If that’s your belief COOL! COOL! But maybe don’t shun others for choosing to enjoy the colors. Do not force your religious zealot bullshit on everyone else.

IN FACT, Just shut up in general. No one cares.

I live in the rainbow. I straddle two worlds every day. I choose which side I stay on, with the person I am with, not with what is in their pants. I love the person, NOT the identity. Right now I’m so incredibly lucky to have met a man that just gets me. ALL OF ME. Me skinny, Me fat, Me- attracted to women, Me-attracted to men. It’s wonderful. I don’t have to shut up about a show that interests me, I don’t have to be anything but myself. And I know how incredibly rare that is now-a-days.

But for a person to tell me that I have no right to enjoy that rainbow, because it was a ‘gift’ a ‘promise’ from their god to promise that he would never destroy the world with water is laughable. What when things flood every day. People drown. WHOLE areas get washed away, but he promised.

I know if I have any readers left, you’ll likely say “Maddy I didn’t know you felt that way! I can’t believe you are an atheist!” But, and I’m not completely sure about this, but I think I’ve posted before I don’t believe in any religion, and with that I will state I tend to believe more in science than in God. I do not expect everyone to understand that, and I don’t expect everyone to jump away from their beliefs. Those are yours Keep them, Mold them, Change them, or Keep them. Those are all acceptable to me, just don’t forcefeed it to me, or anyone else.

And For Fuck Sake, don’t make others feel badly about having pride about themselves. We as a world have come SO far from where we were, don’t back pedal now. Just let it keep growing and becoming better, and more inclusive. There are so many people that have to hide in a closet. I am one of them. Give me the ability to gaze upon a rainbow from the dark.

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